Monday, April 15, 2013

College Can B4 Me Annouces Summer Tours for Alabama

College Can B4 Me is excited to announce plans are in the works for Summer Tour 2013. We will visit 6 schools on July 15-16 including University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama State University and  Tuskegee University. We are currently accepting sponsorship donations from businesses, Greek and civic organizations, churches or individuals to help offset the cost of the trip for parents and students. By providing a minimal donation of $200, you can ensure a young person has the opportunity to explore all their options. 

We are also accepting in-kind donations such as notebooks, writing supplies and non perishable food items such as chips and water.

As a token of our appreciation, CCB4me is excited to provide the following benefits to our scholarship sponsors:

• Company recognition on marketing materials including, tote bags, flyers, Blog, and T shirts

• Presentation time at the parent workshop

Most importantly, the best benefit is realizing you had a hand in giving a student the opportunity to discover what kind of future they could have and what type of future this country can count on.

For more info on how to donate, email